Monday, February 24, 2014

February 2014 Meeting Summary

February's meeting of Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support met on February 18th at 12:30PM at Prescott Public Library's Founder's Room B on the lower level.

The Phoenix Celiac Organization is holding its' annual Gluten Free Expo this month on the 22nd and 23rd. Tickets can be purchased online and there will be speakers, cooking demos, and many vendors in attendance. For more info on this and future events through the Phoenix organization, see the link at the bottom of this page or go to their website.

Tammy K. mentioned that Campbell's Soup has a gluten free link on its' website now, mentioning all gluten free products. Linda C.shared information about website that offers great prices on gluten free, non-GMO products, including flours. Linda also mentioned Baking for great recipes and prices.

A guest at this month's meeting was Dr. Geri Mills, who is an author of a recipe book, "Gluten Free with Dr. Geri". Dr Geri is also a doctor, veterinarian, and celiac.

Jim Koster, the main speaker for tuesday's meeting, spoke about how he became gravely ill before finally being diagnosed with celiac disease. He made it his business to become very informed about issues with gluten...and more. Jim has traveled the world studying children's and adults diets and has found that with the introduction of the Western diet, that people begin developing more health issues.And nutritional deficiencies affect everyone; not just celiacs and those eating gluten free. Jim also suggested several helpful books to read, including "Wheat Belly" and "Going Against the Grain". Jim's advice is not to blindly believe everything you are told about our foods, but to do the research and educate yourself. Keep your eyes open and read your labels! Thank you, Jim, for the very informational presentation!

Next month's meeting will be held at the same time and same place, and on March 18th, 2014. See you then!