Friday, November 28, 2014

November 2014 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group met on Tuesday, November 18th at 12 noon at the Prescott Public Library Founder's Room A on the lower level. The main topic at tuesday's meeting was in regard to arsenic in rice and the information was shared by co-leader, Linda C.

The subject of arsenic in rice in the American diet has been in the news for many years. As early as 2005, Consumer Reports magazine had published articles in regard to the high amounts of arsenic that were being detected in rice. Rice is one of the most consumed foods in the world.
This is of particular interest to the gluten free community because it depends so heavily on rice for many aspects of its diet. It is the best known for those eating gluten free because of the use in rice flour, which is in practically every gluten free pre-packaged food item that those eating gluten free purchase and consume. It is also heavily relied upon as a replacement starch in pastas and on what were traditionally wheat-based side dishes.
All of that may be about to change as test results now show that some of the rice that the American public is consuming is reported to contain 10 to 20 times higher arsenic levels than the FDA allowable limit that is set even for arsenic levels in drinking water.
Of particular concern was the article in Consumer Reports from November 2012 titled, "Arsenic in Your Food". Consumer Reports has written numerous articles on this topic and you can find the articles by searching Consumer Reports Arsenic in Food online.
The newest article published by CS states even more strongly that the amount of rice we eat should be limited. The article also suggests purchasing rice that has tested lower in arsenic levels. The November 2012 article actually lists many rice products that were tested and accompanying arsenic levels. Some of the rice with the lowest arsenic levels came from California basmati rice manufactured by Lundburg farms in California.
The Southern states in the USA have some of the highest levels of arsenic in rice. Rice fields now are planted in former cotton fields that have been heavily sprayed for the cotton boll weevil. The fields had been sprayed with arsenic pesticides for decades.

It would benefit all of us to do our homework and make some decisions about what we are eating and how it impacts our health. Search "dangers of arsenic poisoning" online.

The next meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support organization will be tuesday, December 16th at 12 noon at the Prescott Public Library.

posted by DJ

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

October 2014 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group is growing every month and the October meeting had 23 people in attendance. Thank you, Ree See, for bringing an incredible GF bread for everyone to sample! And thank you to Tammy K., for sharing her delicious pumpkin bundt cake.  There was barely a crumb left on either one!
New member Deanna shared the great invention ..."No Stik Toast It" bags.  These are re-usable toaster bags that can be inserted into contaminated toasters without our GF bread getting attacked by gluten.  Perfect for traveling or visiting relatives that are not GF. What a terrific product!  Available at
Long time member Bailey Rose Warstler, LAC, of "Turning Point Acupuncture", had the last hour of the meeting to discuss a recent symposium she attended on how gluten sensitivity promotes an immune reaction/response in human bodies. This can be systemic inflammation of joints, muscles, thyroid, tissue and organ systems. She discussed how similar gluten proteins can trick the body. She also discussed the term "leaky gut", which most traditional doctors either don't know about or don't discuss with their patients.

The next meeting of the PACGF support will be held on Tuesday, November 18th at 12 noon, at the Prescott Public Libary lower level Founder's room "A". See you then!