New member Deanna shared the great invention ..."No Stik Toast It" bags. These are re-usable toaster bags that can be inserted into contaminated toasters without our GF bread getting attacked by gluten. Perfect for traveling or visiting relatives that are not GF. What a terrific product! Available at Amazon.com.
Long time member Bailey Rose Warstler, LAC, of "Turning Point Acupuncture", had the last hour of the meeting to discuss a recent symposium she attended on how gluten sensitivity promotes an immune reaction/response in human bodies. This can be systemic inflammation of joints, muscles, thyroid, tissue and organ systems. She discussed how similar gluten proteins can trick the body. She also discussed the term "leaky gut", which most traditional doctors either don't know about or don't discuss with their patients.
The next meeting of the PACGF support will be held on Tuesday, November 18th at 12 noon, at the Prescott Public Libary lower level Founder's room "A". See you then!
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