Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 2017 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group had a record turnout at its November meeting and there was so much interesting information shared, I have a bit of "sensory overload".
Thank you so much to Linda Cook, Tammy Kastanas, and the 2 Brothers Crafting presentation.  To those of you that brought new product packaging to share and to the many of you that donated to our "free will donation cash box", Linda & I say a big thanks!
Linda shared samples and info on 2 items.   &
Why are Carlson Fish Oils Important: !. Cardiovascular health 2.Brain & Nerve Health  3. Vision health 4. Immune system health 5. Joint health 6. Skin health.  Out of the many fish oil supplements Linda has tried herself, Carlson Fish Oils are the one & only that have not upset her gut by either fish odor or stomach issues.  Due to space I have not gone into details on all the above points. Please go to their web site.  I will say however, Linda was able to obtain their top of the line fish oil supplement samples for those at the meeting. Thanks so very much.
She also has been searching for oats that she and the rest of us could eat without "allergic" type repercussion.  Sensitivity to oats can manifest as a result of allergy to oat seed storage proteins either inhaled or ingested. AVENIN, the glutenous protein in oats is similar to the gluten found in wheat, therefore you may not have been able to eat oats too.  Please check out the Montana Gluten Free website.  It is so informative on their oat selection process and sample pack are available on their website.
Long time member Tammy Kastanas of "That's It !, catering and baking company was at the meeting promoting new cookbook. "That's It ! Gluten-Free Dairy-Free High Altitude Baking"  Approx $16.00.  She will have them for sale at The Honeyman store in Prescott  or contact her at
The craft presentation was delightful.  Young David and Isaiah sold chapstick, lavender calming bags, brown sugar lip scrubs, bubble makers and terrific doggy paw balms, and many other cute items.  For information contact:
And lastly, I will be forwarding a followup email from the Canadian Celiac Association.  We have a member in our group from Canada and Brenda has just informed us that General Mills in Canada will no longer have a gluten free label on their cereals. And you all know why. Hopefully, the USA will follow suit.
Our next meeting will be a Christmas party on December 12th.  More info to follow at a later date.
Renee & Linda

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 2017 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group held its September 12th meeting At the Bradshaw Retirement complex Rose Room from 12-2PM.
What a terrific 2 hours! The time went so fast with lots of enthusiasm from the members.  We had new member, Angie Jacin, Owner and Baker of Temple Restorations health coaching & Gluten Free Bakery as a guest speaker.  In spite of her journey with Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr and Celiac, she is such a positive and energetic person.  Angie spoke about her bakery business and her health coaching approach. She delighted us with blueberry muffins, using dairy and non dairy ingredients.  She uses the NIMA GLUTEN FREE SENSOR to test the gluten levels in the ingredients (more about that next month, hopefully) You can try some of her bakery items at the Overflow Coffee shop in Chino Valley.  Call the coffee shop at 636-4152 to be sure her gluten free case is full :-)
Member, Bill Hofbauer, spoke about the importance of a balanced PH (potential of hydrogen) scale in your body.   He brought samples of Alkaline Test Strips that can be purchased through Amazon and his personally recommended book called Alkaline or Die by Dr. Theodore A Baroody.  Rather that paraphrase, please check out a small sampling of the web sites that Bill recommends.
Hope to see you next month on tuesday, October 10th, at the same location!

To contact our organization
and for more info about
the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group... 

please call Renee at 928-443-0399



Tuesday, July 25, 2017

August 2017 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group had a very good turnout for its July meeting.  The Gluten Free & Allergy Free Expo was discussed...the pros and cons on attending.  The next one in Arizona will be June of next year.  After meeting the director, Jen, of the Expo, it seems as though they get a great room rental rate in the summer (duh!) so, she plans on continuing having the event that month.  This year it was not nearly as crowded and rather than having the speakers in hallway break out rooms, all the speakers were in the same great exhibition hall.  I thought it was more convenient that way, in fact.
Next month, we would like to have discussion on 2 key items........where would you or a love one go to live, when it's time to live in a retirement community or a care facility that can and will accommodate Celiac and gluten free dietary needs????  Are there any facilities available to our community?
Second, What is your protocol or remedy if you become "glutenized" by cross contamination or accidentally ingesting gluten????
I will have your complimentary, newest issue of the magazine, "Gluten Free & More".  This magazine hits the racks this month and retails for $7.99 to the general public.  First come, first served on the distribution of the magazine at the August 8thmeeting.  I have a designated number of magazines the publisher sends me.
See you next month.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

June 2017 Meeting Summary

Our June 2017 meeting was a lot of fun.  Almost everyone brought a product to promote or to share that was gluten free  (of course!)
Some the items that members have found tasty........So Delicious Salted Caramel Cluster Cashew Milk, Amy's Rice Mac & Cheese, Marzetti Gluten Free Bread Crumbs, Van's Say Cheese Crackers, Costco's Aussie Bites. Wal-Mart Gluten Free Mac & Cheese, Nabisco Good Thins. Wal Mart's Sam's Club Bread & Buns ( found in the bread aisle)   AGAIN......TRY AT YOUR YOUR OWN DISCRETION. We are NOT promoting any one product, just passing info along. Please read disclaimer below.
Several of our members went to the Gluten Free & Allergy Free Expo in Glendale last weekend.  Sharing a photo below of myself, Gloria Barreto and Sharon Egan.
Hope to see many of you at our next meeting in July.
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 2017 Meeting Summary

Thank you to all of you that came to the meeting this week!  It was great to have new guests and returning members that have been unable to attend due to work or our previous location.  All that have come to our new location at the Bradshaw Community have been very impressed.  Again, thanks to member Sharon Egan for making this possible.
We covered A LOT of information...thanks to all those that shared terrific info, insight and personal journeys in navigating our necessary gluten free lifestyle.  I will be sending a followup email to this one because I am personally checking out some info that has been either sent to me or discussed at the meeting and I haven't had a chance to go to all the websites.  More info on the way.
In a publication I receive called Gluten Free Living there was a very detailed interview and article about the following website:
Tricia Thompson became a registered dietician in 1991. In 2011, she started the first and only independent, subscriber-driven gluten-testing organization.
I would encourage all of you to check it out.  I will be subscribing to the website.  For $4.99 per month the Gluten Free Watchdog investigates many many companies to determine if they are truly gluten free!  I was very impressed with the interview with the founder of gluten free watchdog.  Copies will be available at the next meeting.
Starbucks now carries a gluten free breakfast sandwich.  I ate my first one at the Starbucks at Frontier Village.  It is over $4.00, but it was good to feel safe to eat out with other patrons.  The sandwich is in a sealed packaged and microwaved unopened.  Member Deanna had it while traveling out of the area and she was able to buy avocado spread for hers.  This was not available at our Starbucks, so mine was kind bland. But I ate the whole thing for sure.
This is all for now.  I will send another email in a few days with some member suggested websites to check out.  Again, if you no longer want to receive emails from Linda or myself, just reply as such and we will remove your name immediately.
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 2017 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group had a great sharing time at the April 11th meeting.

Many shared new GF products and some old favorites too, There were too many to list but here a few...
  • Trader Joes has a good GF Macaroni and cheese in a box that is made in a GF facility in Canada.
  •  Cream of Rice is gluten free and they also have to-go packs, similar to-go packs of oatmeal.
  • A product called Potapas tortillas that is made with potatoes was mentioned. Made with orange yams or regular. They are non GMO and dairy free. Available at Sprouts and most health food stores.
  • A GF gravy packet from Mayacamas was brought and the one that was mentioned as very good was the Savory Herb, also available at Sprouts.
A natural herbal antibiotic was discussed also. Oil of Oregano is a natural substitute to some perscription antibiotics. As we all know perscription antibiotics are very hard on our gut and can kill off our good bacteria we try so hard to build up as well as the bad ones. Dr. Josh Axe has an excellent article on Oil of Oregano and Dr. Susan Blum does also. Please note that they recommend only taking it for 2 weeks.
This may not be for everyone so be sure and check with your Dr. before starting any medicine or herbal remedy, and as always we are not giving advice just sharing what we have found
has worked for some.

The next meeting will be May 9th.
eeting location is in the Rose Room at:
                                                    The Bradshaws Senior Community
                                                      133 Bradshaw Drive in Prescott 

The meetings are always held on the second tuesday of each month from 12-2PM.

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 2017 Meeting Summary

For our March Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support group meeting we shared some of the books the group has been reading pertaining to our GF lifestyle.

Some of the books mentioned were:

Digestive Wellness                                       by Elizabeth Lipski
Eat Dirt                                                         by Dr. Josh Axe
Gluten Free Edge                                        by Peter Bronski
The New Glucose Revolution                      by Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller
Brain Food                                                  by Dr David Perlmutter

--and some funny ones-
                                                            In Memory of Bread, a Memoir                  by Paul Graham
                                                            Gluten is my Bitch                                     by April Peveteaux

We were also sent some generous samples of pancake mix and travel packets of flax from Hodgson Mill along with several brochures about eating GF and some recipes, and some $1.00 Coupons from Jackson's Honest, potato chips cooked in a dedicated gluten free facility and with coconut oil.

Also GF Harvest sent some samples of their breakfast GoPack oats, and some cups of instant Canyon oats flavored breakfast oats. GF Harvest is a purity protocol oats company, whose oats test well below 10ppm.
We learned from GF Harvest how samples of non purity protocol oats are averaged and some of the oat samples that are used in supposedly gf oats are well above the 20ppm allowed by the FDA. Some of the samples can
be at 92ppm and up. You can see a sample of the testing and averaging of samples on the GF Harvest website.
Also some of the dishonest oat companies are buying oats from GF Harvest and when an inspector comes to sample oats the company leads them to the ones purchased from GF Harvest because their oats will always test at 10ppm! One of the founders of GF Harvest oats said that UDI's uses their purity Protocol oats in their granola.

Overall it was a very informative meeting.
Linda and Renee

Saturday, January 28, 2017

February 2017 Meeting to Be Cancelled...See You On March 14th!

We will be cancelling the Februray 14th Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free support group meeting.

With Renee being gone and it being Valentines day that day, we will not meet on that Tuesday.

For our March 14th meeitng we will be having a book review.

Please bring a book you have been reading that pertains to the Gluten free lifestyle and share with us what you thought of it and possibly how that book has helped your journey to health.

We look forward to seeing you in March and Happy Valentines day!

On our journey to health,

Linda and Renee

Gluten Free Candy Info

Ferrara products contain only Corn Gluten.The following Ferrara products contain no wheat, rye, barley or oats. Here is a list of candies you can enjoy:

Atomic Fireballs 
All Gummies (Black Forest, Ferrara, Sathers, Trolli) 
All Jellies (Gum Drops, Orange Slices, etc) 
Bob's Sweet Stripes 
Boston Baked Beans (contains peanuts)
Brach's Wild 'N Fruity Gummi Worms 
Brach's Candy Corn - All Varieties 
Brach’s Chocolates - Peanut Caramel Clusters, Stars, Chocolate Covered Raisins, Double Dipped Peanuts, Peanut Clusters (they are processed in a facility that processes wheat)
Brach’s Cinnamon Disks
Brach's Cinnamon Imperials  (They are processed in a facility that processes wheat)
Brach's Conversation Hearts
Brach's Jelly Bean Nougats (they are processed in a facility that processes wheat)
Brach's Lemon Drops (Kosher) 
Brach's Halloween Mellowcremes - All Varieties (They are processed in a facility that processes wheat)
Candy Canes (Bob's, Brach's, Lemonhead & Friends, Red Hots) Allergen Free
Cherry Sours 
Fruit Snacks (Ferrara, Black Forest, Trolli) 
Jawbreakers / Jawbusters 
Jelly Beans 
Lemonheads & Friends Conversation Hearts
Tropical Chewy Lemonhead 
Chewy Lemonhead & Friends 
Berry Chewy Lemonhead 
Now & Later
Red Hot's

Please visit the Ferrara Candy website at for additional information about our products and services

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 2017 Meeting Summary

We had a fantastic meeting on January 10th at our new meeting location in the Rose Room at 
                                                    The Bradshaws Senior Community
                                                    133 Bradshaw Drive in Prescott 
            The meetings are always held on the second tuesday of each month from 12-2PM.

We had a great discussion on prebiotics and probiotics and how most, if not all of us have leaky gut syndrome or "gut permeability" even if our doctors haven't address this issue.  Sauerkraut is an anti-inflammatory food and packed with benefits. Besides having probiotics to offer, sauerkraut is a good source of antioxidants and dietary fiber too, thanks to its main ingredient cabbage. A great website on sauerkraut/cabbage can be found at  discussing how this fermented food can restore gut flora.  Right now at Costco you can find the WILDBRINE brand of raw organic sauerkraut for $7.99 a 50 ounce jar.  It is located near the sausages in the refrigerated section.  It is also sold at Sprouts in a much smaller jar for approx $5.00.  Start out with a tablespoon or two a day, if you haven't had sauerkraut in a while.
AND......For those of you that have been waiting for a reasonable price on Celiac DNA Testing ..... it is now available for only $99.00 Vibrant Wellness located in San Carlos, California . The representative that is working with our group is Breanne Murcek. If you are interested.... text or call her at 402-968-1200.  The test is done by cheek swab, so the lab will send the swabs directly to you.
I mention the above, because I became gluten free after over 10 years of sickness undiagnosed by any doctor in this town.  It was only after going to my chiropractor that I even remotely considered gluten as the culprit.  I am going to do DNA test.
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.

January 2016 Additional Meeting Notes

At our last meeting on the 10th of January we discussed how Bob's Red Mill has changed their policy concerning Gluten free manufacturing of their foods marketed to us the Celiac & Gluten Intolerant community. I have been in contact with their Customer service as has Renee and here are some preliminary answers.

It was a total shock to me to find out that Bob's is no longer testing to 5ppm as in the past, and I found that out after having a full Ceilac reaction 3 times over the holidays to their supposedly GF oat flour. The Customer rep told me that they test to 20ppm and that the oat flour was not manufactured in their plant but in Canada. Supposedly on GF equipment but we don't know if the oats were grown under the puirty protocol or if they are using mechanically seperated oats. You will remember this discussion because of the Cheerios contamination and Renee's contact with GF Harvest about thier GF oats in Powell, Wyoming. Bob's sent an envelope and I mailed back the oat flour so they could test it to see if there was cross contamination.

In the past you could go to Bob's website and see a picture of their GF mill and factory. And they proudly stated that they test down to 5ppm using the Elisa method which is the
strictest method used for GF foods. Now their whole GF page has changed and they no longer even mention what PPM they are testing to. Here is a copy of the letter Renee recieved in answer to her email questioning their GF testing policies.

"Hi Renee,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Products. For over 30 years, Bob’s Red Mill has been committed to providing the very best in Gluten Free flours, cereals, baking mixes and grains for our friends on gluten free diets. For all of our gluten free products, we thoroughly batch test every product in our quality control laboratory upon delivery, during production and after packaging. We adhere to a standard of no more than 19 parts per million of gluten.  Should a test show that a product exceeds that limit, it would be simply rejected and made unavailable for distribution to anyone. Every step in the production of our gluten free products is done in a separate gluten free packaging division complete with specialized machinery to make sure that our products maintain their purity.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions and have a wonderful day."

Katterrina Ross
Customer Service Department
Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods, Inc.
13521 S.E. Pheasant Court
Milwaukie, Oregon 97222

Sounds good but it also sounds like they may be bringing in products that may be over 19ppm and once they are produced if they test above that then they are taken out of distribution?

I sent Bob's a lengthy Q and A letter asking questions such as are all products now packaged and manufactured on the same lines as the 19ppm products.
 Example, rice flour made from rice grown in a strict GF process should test at or below 5ppm.
I have not heard back from Bob's and as soon as I do I will send their answers out to you.

So sadly my friends it seems that we can no longer trust Bob's Red Mill to have our health and best interests at heart as they did previously. As for my self I am NOT using Bob's products until I hear from them.

I have heard many times "I am not that sensitive so I don't have to worry about it."
Here is something to think about, We are all here in our GF group and on our journey because our declining health forced us to stop and figure out why we were constantly sick and had
possibly numerous health issues. Meaning, that there has already been some dammage to our bodies and we are now having to deal with that damage, for most of us over the course of many years.
So, If we continue to eat 20ppm on a daily basis and at every meal from contaminated foods we are continuing to damage our bodies and will possibly pay for it with another mystery health issue or diagnosis. If I make a batch of cookies and eat 3 or 4 per day then I am getting gluten contamination every single time I eat them. It is hard enough to manage the restaurants, supposedly making GF foods for us and the possible ensuing illness we will suffer, without bringing it into our homes to eat every day.

As we have said before, the food manufacturing companies and the FDA wouldn't tell a peanut allergic child or person to "go ahead and eat a cookie with 20ppm peanut contamination,
a little anaphylaxis won't hurt you!" Neither can our bodies process ANY gluten, is like poison to our bodies.

So, how about some good news?
Hallelujah for Hodgson Mills GF products and company dedicated to us G-Freers and our health and safety!

Hodgson Mills has for many years been manufacturing safe Gluten free products. Their son is a celiac. I found them at Fry's when our first family member was diagnosed 12 years ago.
I have had an extensive talk with their customer service and I am so amazed at the lengths they go to for the Gluten Free foods they manufacture.
Some of the safety precautions they use are:
They have a separate air cleaner to make sure that no outside contamination comes into the building, They use shoe scrubbers and I think she said they wear suits.
They test to 5ppM and all GF products are made in a seperate dedicated GF area on dedicated lines. They are certified by the Celiac Support Association.
They are a small family owned company, and as a bonus thier corn products are non- GMO!
Cheryl, whom I spoke to at customer service was very nice and understanding and willing to help us in any way she could. She stated that they have been getting calls from consumers with similar stories about Bob's.
I am going to get a letter in writing of all of their policies and safety procedures manufacturing GF products and I'll forward it when i can.
In summary I am going to purchase their products from now on because of their dedication to us and our health and safety.

Another bonus! Now through January 24th shipping is FREE at Hodgson Mill on all orders over $40.00!
There are a limited number of their products at Walmart, I haven't looked recently at Fry's. Their cornbread mix is an award winner and is very delicious, even egg free.
They are also available at Amazon. Walmart has some great prices on Hodgson's products, cake mixes that aren't 3 or 4 times what you would pay for betty crocker.

I would like to see us request that Sprouts, Fry's and Walmart carry more of their products.
We should support the companies that go the extra mile for us. Vote with your dollars!

Also I have been in contact with Namaste foods and they say they also test their products to 5ppm. I have not sent them a letter but they have called and stated that they very much wanted to work with us in any way they can. I will forward their info when i receive it.
If you haven't tried Namaste's Spice cake mix it is delicious! I have made the carrot cake recipe and used canned pumpkin to make delicious muffins. All the health food stores carry Namaste foods and flours and mixes.

Renee has also been in contact with Pamela's Gluten free company and here is their reply.

"Good Afternoon Renee -

We appreciate your interest in Pamela's Products.  It is only through relationships with our customers that Pamela’s is able to celebrate 28 years in the natural food industry! Pamela’s passion has always been to create a food experience that will establish lasting memories for our customers!
 I would tell you exactly what the FAQ says:
The new FDA regulation for standardizing gluten-free claims and labeling on products addresses a serious issue for many of our customers. At Pamela’s, we are pleased to see there are now some standards in place to help those with celiac disease and gluten intolerance make educated decisions regarding their food choices. We are happy to say that we provide gluten-free products already in compliance with new FDA requirements and have been doing so for over 28 years. While the ruling requires gluten-free labeled products must test at 20ppm or less for gluten, Pamela’s products consistently test at under 5ppm or less.
On a side note, we do not receive complaints of cross contamination.
I hope this is helpful & please do not hesitate to let us know if we can be of further assistance. 
Have a great day!"          

Once again we want to state that the choice is yours, we cannot tell you what is right for you, we are only here to pass on information that we receive.

On our journey to health,

Linda and Renee

All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.

Celiac & Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

In keeping with our goal to inform all of you with information related to Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance please take some time to read the following information, courtesy of member Diane Jacobs, founding member of our group... see following article.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy New Year 2017... and Updates

Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from noon until 2pm.
For location and other info, please call either: Leader, Renee Richey @ 928-443-0399 or Co-Leader, Linda Cook @ 928-632-5460.

If you are currently a member, you know where we meet and are currently on our member email list. The next meeting and the first of 2017 will be: Tuesday, January 10th, noon until 2pm.

Our location is in Prescott now at: 
                                                    The Bradshaws Senior Community
                                                    133 Bradshaw Drive in Prescott
This location is right off Gurley Street, just below the Peridot Senior Living Center.  As you go up Bradshaw Drive, take a left at the "second" driveway into the complex.  You will see a small set of stairs next to the parking stalls. Go down the stairs into the building and to your left, and you will see a lovely large room called The Rose Room. Thank you to member Sharon Egan who is now the groups' meeting room coordinator.