Monday, July 18, 2016

July 2016 Meeting Summary

Our recent meeting was held Tuesday July 12th.  As many of you know who have attended our actual meetings, we cover a lot of ground.  I try to summarize what was discussed, but it is not always possible to convey all the discussion.  However, I try my best. To those folks who shared and I didn't include, I apologize.  I must admit I have been experiencing some memory loss recently......
 Member Sue C. shared her gluten free experience traveling on the Viking River Cruise Line. She booked through Costco Travel and was very pleased with her dining experience on her Rhine River Cruise.  The dining staff accommodated all her gluten free needs...Sharon E. shared her newly received Bio-Tec Allergy results.  As many of us know, once we discover we CAN NOT eat gluten other food culprits will be discovered due to our leaky gut issues.  And then a lengthy discussion was facilitated by Linda about "Leaky Gut Syndrome".  She and I faithfully read the following web site and we think you will find it helpful too. Please check out:
Another web site many of you might find helpful is  We also touched on and hope to expand on at our August meeting the alkaline/acid issue of all our a bodies and how it relates to both of the above and GERD.
I met with the chef/cook (her name is June) of the newly opened Thai Cafe at Windsong & Florentine in Prescott Valley.  There are many options for gluten free dining and we are very hopeful that this restaurant is one we can frequent safely. Let me know if all went well, should you decide to try it.  YOU MUST SAY YOU EAT GLUTEN FREE FOR MEDICAL REASONS.  Unfortunately, I only found the chef and the busboy spoke English. (Disclaimer: dine at your own risk) Don't order anything fried or sweet & sour.
Also learned at the meeting....if you purchase $100.00 of supplements at Sprouts in one purchase transaction, you will get an additional 5-10 per cent off.  Be sure to ask.  One last thing....I will be sending some info on the Gluten Free Expo soon.....keep you posted.
Renee and Linda