The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group had a full house at the August meeting. Our guest speaker was Breanne Murcek, Territory Sales Manager for VIBRANT AMERICA LAB. Vibrant America has cutting edge technology to test for Leaky Gut Syndrome. Vibrant America uses microchip based technology to test for the following:
Realizing that all in our group have either Celiac or Gluten Intolerance, what makes this testing exciting is that many if not most of us are still suffering from symptoms that are unexplained. Right now only, Dr. Gemie McLeod and Dr. Rothrock are offering these tests to their patients. HOWEVER.....with the help of Breanne, she has made arrangements for those that are interested in one or more of their tests to contact her and she will help set up a blood draw through People's Choice Lab in Prescott Valley.
1. Vibrant Wheat Zoomer: a comprehensive wheat sensitivity panel, including tests for Gliadin, Wheat Allergy, Leaky Gut, Glutenin.
Non-Gluten Wheat, Wheat Germ and Transglutaminase. ($199.00)
2. Vibrant GUT-PAC: a microchip-based microbiome exploration service that allows them to look at the populations of bacteria residing in your gut. ($199.00)
3. Vibrant Celiac Genetic Test ($99.00) Ask if there is a price break if you have more than one test.
Realizing that all in our group have either Celiac or Gluten Intolerance, what makes this testing exciting is that many if not most of us are still suffering from symptoms that are unexplained. Right now only, Dr. Gemie McLeod and Dr. Rothrock are offering these tests to their patients. HOWEVER.....with the help of Breanne, she has made arrangements for those that are interested in one or more of their tests to contact her and she will help set up a blood draw through People's Choice Lab in Prescott Valley.
Vibrant Wellness has Registered Dietitians who are experienced in Functional nutrition, Gut Microbiome health, Autoimmune Disease, Food allergies/sensitivities & intolerance. The service of a Vibrant Wellness Dietitian is available to all patients with Vibrant America lab testing.
The meeting was jam-packed with explanations and handouts by Bre of how inflammation affects every aspect of your health. It is impossible for me to put all we learned into this brief summary. Medications associated with Leaky Gut Syndrome are...NSAIDS, PPI's, HCL Blockers, antibiotics, to name a few.
To schedule an appointment please email:
To schedule an appointment please email:
Renee and Linda