(By the way, something Marj also wanted to share with the group is that many Vitamin E supplements are made from wheat ! So, please verify, before either ingesting or using the oil from the capsule as a sore remedy.)
Linda Cook was also able to secure a generous sample of Trace Minerals' Vitamin D Pak Dietary Supplement. This is a convenient pak to be mixed with water for those of us that are having trouble swallowing large vitamins. Certified Vegan and Gluten Free. Thanks to Linda!
Saturday, Oct 19, 11am-12;30pm, Natural Grocers is having a free seminar: "Taking Gluten Free to the Next Level".
Because so many of the group has found that as time progresses they learn that they have sensitivities to other foods... Renee R had two different blood draws with two different labs because she still wasn't feeling well. Not satisfied with those two results, she found a company online to test for food sensitivities that was a lot less. If you are curious about what else may be making you sick, check out "The Intolerance Testing Group". Renee cut a sample of her hair, sent it to England and got amazing information. S he mentions that she paid a little extra to get info on nutrients and minerals that she might be lacking also.
Glenda Harrell has offered her home for a "Social Saturday" potluck brunch, at 11am on November 16th. She lives off of White Spar Road. Directions to follow. All potluck items will need a detailed ingredient card for those that cannot eat other items besides gluten. If you don't want to cook, bring an item with the package ingredients. Contact Renee R. with any questions or suggestions.
The group will still have Tuesday Without Gluten on November 19th at 12:30 at the Prescott Public Library, since this is a posted meeting on the library calendar and it is also in the Courier.
Other news:
Tammy K. and Jim have an event planned at Natural Grocers on Gail Gardner on Saturday November 23rd. It will be a cooking demo and a fascinating and enlightening story from Jim about his celiac journey! You all know Tammy is an awesome gluten free baker with her own company: That's It! Gluten Free Home Bakery.
And finally, Renee is planning with Lloyd's Liquor on Iron Springs Road a GLUTEN-FREE BEER TASTING and SULFITE FREE WINE TASTING! are all over 21 so I am curious who all would be interested? It will be a Thursday night (5:30pm to 7:30pm?) It is $5.00 per person, but that fee is waived if you purchase a 6pack OR a bottle of wine OR a bottle of spirits. LLoyd's Liquor carries the largest variety of gluten free adult beverages in Northern Arizona. Advise Renee R. of interest, so the event can be scheduled.
Welcome new folks: Kathi Stevens and Paul Thill!