Tuesday, November 24, 2015

December 2015 Holiday Get Together at Red Robin Restaurant in Prescott Gateway Mall

Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support is meeting for a December get together at Red Robin Restaurant on Dec 15th at 11:30am.  The group will NOT meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the Prescott Valley Library.
PACGF support is looking forward to having a casual luncheon to get to know group members better. It is important that individuals RSVP to Renee R, so RED ROBIN restaurant will be advised of how many of  the group will be in attendance.

Please go to www.redrobin.com/allergenRed Robin has excellent gluten free options.

The group is looking forward to having a casual holiday luncheon. See you there!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 2015 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support organization met Tuesday, Nov.10th, 2015, fro 12-2PM at the Prescott Valley Public Library. The group would like to give a shout-out to the Prescott Valley Librarian, Gloria Monreal, who has been very instrumental in making the group's move to the Prescott Valley Library a success.  Thank you, Gloria.

Marj Melchoirs, founder of Cosmetics Without Synthetics, was the guest speaker.  Marj provided the group with some valuable information about natural skin care and cosmetics.  It would be impossible to list all the data and statistics about the chemicals that are in "lotions & potions" for men, women and children.  Suffice it to say that Ms. Melchoirs encouraged everyone to first look at deodorant, lipstick and products that claim to  be "natural". Her handout from the Organic Consumer Association entitled "Ten Synthetic Cosmetic Ingredients to Avoid" is invaluable and could be used by every consumer as they make their selections for those types of items. To learn more visit the store @ 8127 E. Florentine Rd. Ste A, Prescott Valley or at www.allnaturalcosmetics.com.  The physical location will be moving in January 2016.  The store number is 928-772-0119.

Gut problems are one of the root causes of nearly all of today's health issues.  Co-Leader Linda C has introduced many in the group to the surprising superfood that can transform your health......gelatin!  Gelatin is a natural thickener that comes from the bones & hides of animals; remember good old Knox Gelatin? Well, she has found a product that is far superior and gluten free.  The group encourages everyone to check out www.GreatLakesGelatin.com and are hopeful that Sprouts can be persueded to carry this product. Currently, it has to be ordered on Amazon, the above mentioned web site, or a special order at Sprouts. It can be found on occasion at Natural Grocers. Peruse some websites and decide if this is a product that might benefit your health.  The group leaders are hopeful to see its' impact on their health after regularly eating Great Lakes Gelatin.

The PACGFS organization is hoping to have a luncheon at either Olive Garden or Red Robin in December in celebration of the Christmas Season.  Details to follow.

Happy Thanksgiving!

All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.


Friday, October 23, 2015

October 2015 Meeting Summary

The tuesday, October 13th meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group at the Prescott Valley Library was a great success!  Since moving to the new location the group has added to local membership each month.  It is very significant how many of the group are now living the gluten free lifestyle and it is important for group members to continue to gently educate friends, familys, co-workers, restaurant staff, etc. Doing so goes a long way in alleviating unwarranted episodes of getting "glutenized" when sharing a meal, either in someone's home or at a restaurant.

Meetings have been so jam-packed with much important and useful information that it's becoming more and more challenging to summarize all the discussions into a few paragraphs. 

The group discussed the recent Cheerios debacle/recall, and updates have been previously sent to all.  Co-leader Linda C shared very interesting and alarming info about green tea.  It would be a good idea for those who drink green tea to purchase the brands that say gluten free or have the certified gluten free logo on the box.  Some tea bags have been sealed with wheat glue? Several green tea brands have been cross-contaminated with barley. Linda has contacted Tetley, Tazo Lipton, Stash, Celestial and Republic of Tea. One should be wary of any flavored tea whether it be black tea or green tea.  Call the Tea Company of your choice to verify that what you are drinking is gluten free.
Every October and February there is an updated website advising the latest info on GF candy. Check out www.glutenfreecandylist.com.

Also Nicole shared information on a mail order company that will send members the newest gluten free & celiac-safe snacks. The founder of the company has a great video about her concept and her reliability.  www.lovewithfood.com/50off-glutenfreeShe goes by the online name GFREEFOODIE.

The support group has several new members whose young children have been diagnosed Celiac or are Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive.  It is difficult to be GF as an adult, but imagine the challenges these children have! If members of the group have suggestions for manners in which parents may share more of this info with their kids or about a gluten free get together with this focus, let Renee know and she will try to help coordinate a meeting.

The next meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support organization will be held tuesday, November 10th, at Prescott Public Library from 12-2PM. Meetings are held the second tuesday of each month. For more information, please contact Renee at gfreerenee@juno.com.

All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.


Monday, September 21, 2015

September 2015 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group held its' September 2015 meeting at Prescott Valley Public Library on Tuesday, September 8th from 12-2PM. It was a terrific, well-attended meeting. Several members were able to share the businesses they own/work at or volunteer for. 

The support group includes Linda, Interior Designer; Suzanne, Bowenwork Representative; Kathy, Home Inspection Business Owner; Sharon, Home Health Care; and Janet, Volunteer with United Animal Friends. It was fun learning about all the talent in the group and to spend a few moments not just talking about "gluten"!

During September's meeting, time was spent continuing to discuss the new GF Cheerios Cereal issues.  Warning: Consume at your own discretion and risk, due to possible cross contamination at the factories.

Many of the group's members have enjoyed a new grocery product available in the area called "Just Mayo".  No dairy, no eggs, no soy, gluten free, etc.  It is a terrific product that has a very reasonable price point and can be found now at Whole Foods in Prescott. However, a recent newspaper article revealed that they are been attacked, harassed and threatened by The American Egg Board, because they have a delicious egg-less mayonnaise at a great price! Renee R. has been in contact with Hampton Creek, the makers of this mayo.  Find more info at www.Hamptoncreek.com. Anyone that cannot eat eggs or dairy can purchase this delicious mayonnaise at Whole Foods. Please check out a petition that was initiated by a mom, Jessica, who heard about the attack on Hampton Creek and decided to take action. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/call-immediate-investigation-our-usda-0

The organization's next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 from noon until 2p at the Prescott Valley Public Library.  See you then!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 2015 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group wrapped up the summer months of 2015 with its' tuesday, August 11th meeting from 12-2PM at Prescott Valley Public Library. The group discussed favorite cook books and welcomed three new people to the meeting, which was held on the third floor in the Crystal Room.

The Yavapai County Public Library system has well over 100 titles on Celiac and the Gluten Free Lifestyle, with the majority being cookbooks. The group also discussed the myth of an all purpose gluten free flour. Just as there are different wheat flours for cooking and baking, all purpose, self rising, bread flour and cake flour, there are different gluten free flour blends for different baking needs. Some flour mixes lend themselves to making a pastry or cake best because of their high starch to protein ratio. And some flours lend themselves best for a bread flour, because breads need a higher ratio of protein to a smaller amount of starch.

It is best to pick a commercial flour mix and use the recipes online from that company for that particular flour mix or make your own homemade, which is generally a considerable savings. Companies that offer GF flour mixes have factored in how much liquid and other ingredients are needed to make that recipe a success. If you used a high protein flour blend to make cakes it would not have enough liquid and would end up very dense.

Also the group discussed that lemon juice, instead of using vinegar in a recipe, would yield in a lighter baked good. The lemon juice's chemical reaction to baking soda can be as much as twice the amount of a rise than vinegar. This is especially important if one must cook egg free.

Gimbal's company makes an entire line of gluten free jelly beans, as well as the black licorice Scottie Dogs, made with real licorice root and pure anise. The Prescott area Tractor Supply store was selling the bags 2 for $5.00. One group attendee said she had paid as high as $5.00 per bag before.

Dr. Tom O'Brien recently offered a segment online about gluten in green tea! Whether the gluten was found in the bag or the tea itself was not clear, but studies have proven that there were detectable levels of gluten in several samples.

The next meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support will be Tuesday, September 8th at the Prescott Valley Public Library from 12-2PM. We look forward to seeing you there!


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Announcing New Meeting Location!

After much thought and discussion, the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group is announcing that it will be changing locations for its' monthly meetings.

For all future meetings beginning tuesday, August 11th, 2015 until further notice, the group will be meeting at the PRESCOTT VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY, Crystal Room, 3rd floor, 7501 East Civic Circle, Prescott Valley, Az. 

        Meetings will now be held the second tuesday of each month from 12 noon until 2PM.

Monday, June 22, 2015

June 2015 Meeting Summary

The June meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support was held on Wednesday, June 17th from 12-2PM at the Prescott Valley Library 3rd floor, Crystal Room.  It was a productive meeting and well-attended. 

The group received a large donation of sample products from Nairn's of Scotland. Nairn's makes dedicated gluten free cookies, crackers and biscuits. Of course, in the British Isles, biscuits are actually cookies.  The group was asked to rate the taste, texture and packaging of the oatmeal raisin cookies, chocolate chip & oatmeal cookies, oatmeal grahams and a plain cracker. Everyone enjoyed being able to participate in taste-testing the products.  Sprouts carries the Nairn's delights.
The group was privileged to have Shea Richland, health educator and Founder of GMO-Free Prescott, come for the second time to speak to the group. Her topic was GMO's: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.  She discussed what the industry doesn't want you to know about the illegal genetic engineering of food crops experiment and what you can do to protect your health. Shea had terrific handouts which included pocket size shopping guides and a quick reference GMO FAQS. For more info go to www.gmofreeprescottaz.org.

The next meeting of the PACGF Support Group will be held on Wednesday July 15th at the same location.

Disclaimer: All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at meetings, blog, or by email is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health problems should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.


Friday, May 29, 2015

May 2015 Meeting Summary

The May 19th meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Organization covered current situations that have been of concern to many members of the group. 

A big question is why is it so hard to find accurate information about the gluten status of medications?  That was exactly the question posed in the June 2015 issue of Gluten-Free Living. The group urges its readers and members to have a look at this issue.  To quote Steve Plogsted, a pharmacist at Columbus Children's Hospital, an expert on gluten in medications: "Currently the U.S. FDA does not require manufacturers to list the source of starches or put the gluten status of medications anywhere in the package or on any other company printed material". Please have a look at the magazine.  There is also a website www.glutenfreedrugs.com.  You can check out, but it is not always up to date.
However, the Kroger/ Frys brand of many items do state GLUTEN FREE. For example, allergy relief (compare to Benedryl); acetaminophen (compare to Exedrin): stomach relief (compare to Mylanta).  All indicate Gluten Free on their boxes.  As always, our leadership are not recommending any particular product or drug, but use at your own discretion. It is impossible to write all of the discussion that takes place at the "Tuesday Without Gluten" once a month meetings. Hope to see you all soon!
The group's May 23rd, Community Outreach Event at the Prescott Valley Public Library was very successful! A big thanks to all who came out to support the group and meet and network with the public that was in attendance. The organization touched, comforted and educated many folks that day. Renee R. explained the onset and purpose of the group and her non-medical discovery of her own gluten intolerance.  Linda C. discussed in detail what Celiac is and the many generations of her family that have been diagnosed with Celiac.  Robin gave a great talk on the five siblings in her family that have Celiac and that she too has had Type 1 Diabetes since being a teenager.

Sprouts donated over $100.00 worth of product for the event, Nairn Scottish cookies/crackers sent many boxes of samples and the Shaar company donated some very delicious sweet cakes and coupons.  The GIG organization provided an abundance of of pamphlets.  A special thanks to Linda C. for obtaining all the food and water donations. The library also purchased some yummy goodies from its' own baker, Tammy of "That's It: Gluten Free Home Baking".
All and all it was a very busy month as May is National Celiac Awareness Month. The group did its' very best to get the word out!


Monday, April 27, 2015

April 2015 Meeting Summary

The April meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group was full of discussion about current newspaper articles that may affect the gluten free community.

Kimberly-Clark Professional, which manufactures Kleenex and Scott brand products, says its new "Green Harvest" line will blend in 20 percent wheat straw. Wheat straw is already used in a few paper products, including a line of copy paper made of 80 percent straw that Staples sells.  And later this month, the industry trade group, Kansas Wheat will be meeting with representatives  from a Taiwanese company that uses wheat straw to make corrugated paper and packaging materials.

Of greater concern to the group is the use of toilet paper and tissues that contain wheat. Hopefully, one of the national organizations such as GIG, (Gluten Intolerance Group) or one of the dedicated gluten free magazines will address this product development sooner than later.

The local gluten free support organization stresses in its' meetings that none of the members are scientists or doctors, but do like to share information relative to "gut health". Gleaned from a newspaper article by Dr. Oz & Dr.Roizen, members had a lengthy discussion of emulsifiers that are added to food.  A new study in the journal "Nature" found two commonly used emulsifiers, carboxymethycellulose and polysorbate 80, seem to change the balance of gut bacteria and damage the mucus lining of the intestines in lab animals. Researchers say that "the broad use of emulsifying agents might me contributing to chronic inflammatory disease in humans".  So, check labels and talk to your personal physician about this.

Co-leader Linda C. found a new product at Costco for group members that are required to eat gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, soy-free. It is "Just-Mayo" and the price is under $5.00 for two large jars! It's located in the non-refrigeration section (near the mustard and ketchup).

The next meeting of PACGFS group will be held May 19th from 12-2PM, at the Prescott Public Library Founders' Room A on the lower level. 

DJ for RR

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 2015 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group met at Prescott Public Library on tuesday, March 17th, 2015, from 12-2PM.

The group discussed Breyers Ice Cream. Breyers now has 30 gluten free flavors as denoted by the green gluten free label on the side of the carton next the nutrition info. They are easy to read as they give the pictures of the cartons on their website. 

The group also discussed a new product called "Gluten Cutter" that Linda C. had seen advertised in a drug store ad. The label says: "Eat gluten without the bloat". The website supposedly has a test to determine: "How sensitive to gluten are you?"!

Linda C. commented that she feels like GF awareness is going backwards in a way. Will other people start saying, "Why can't you just take one of those pills to cut gluten and eat it anyway?" Will the world just see this the same as lactose intolerance and consume gluten all the while damaging their bodies and immune systems?

We have come so far in diagnosis and recognition of Celiac and non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. Linda feels that this attitude may be moving things in the wrong direction. http://glutencutter.com/

(See below for Linda's entire presentation from the meeting...)

Our immune system comes from several places in our bodies but, more than 70% in our gut! 
As Hypocrates said more than 2000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut”.

"I have been reading a book by Dr. Susan Blum MD called, “The Immune System Recovery Plan”. Susan is a leading authority on the immune system and autoimmune diseases, and a functional medicine Dr. She says, “Functional medicine first looks at the gut when it comes to any chronic disease”. Much like during Hypocrites’ time, except we have testing tools that basically spell out what disorders we have. Dr. Blum healed herself from Hashimotos Thyroiditis with the protocol she outlines in her book.

She clearly spells out what your immune system does and what causes autoimmune disease. She says, “Antibodies are molecules normally made by your immune cells to attack and destroy foreign invaders, but in autoimmune diseases, these antibodies are misdirected and attack and damage your own tissue. Many of these conditions are chronic, debilitating, and potentially life-threatening. In fact, autoimmune diseases are one of the top ten leading causes of death in girls and in women up to sixty-four years of age.

She says, “the immune system in your gut is faced with the task of clearing out the bad agents while keeping what your body requires to stay nourished and healthy. It also has the job of repairing any damage caused by these foreign substances and any reactions they’ve caused in your body, such as inflammation or infection.”

She lists the potential triggers of Autoimmune disease as: Gluten, Chronic Stress, Hormone Imbalance, Imbalance of good bacteria in your gut, Food allergies, Toxins and infections. Many of you remember the talk I gave last year on food allergies and testing. In chapter 2, Dr. Blum tells us that you must make sure you get the right tests. She states that most Allergy specialists will only test for the IGE allergic reactions. Positive IgE tests are only for hives, swelling of the tongue, or difficulty breathing. But, the other kind of allergy testing involves IgG antibodies, which play a role in causing immune-complex disease. This is when the food gets into your bloodstream and your immune system makes antibodies that attach to the food, making something called an antigen-antibody complex. It can settle out into your tissues and cause local inflammation and damage, which then results in an even bigger immune attack to this inflamed tissue. Your joints are very susceptible to deposits of immune complexes, and this is believed to be one of the Main mechanisms behind the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Because evidence suggests that all people with autoimmune diseases have leaky gut syndrome, it is likely you are having immune reactions to the food you eat.

On the topic of,  balance of good bacteria, I was stunned to learn in an e-summit on gut health that we are only 10% human and the rest is bacteria! For a Healthy Immune system, your body is dependent on a good relationship with the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract.

Dr. Blum states that we are fighting germs by sterilizing our environment too much, which has caused us to lose our good gut bacteria.
Several years ago I went to a meeting where the Arizona Department of water quality stated that they are now finding Triclosan in our drinking water!!! Triclosan is the most popular chemical that is in our antibacterial hand soaps. This was probably 8 to 10 years ago, imagine how much of the toxic stuff is in our water now! Think about this when you go to wash your hands in a public bathroom, how much dangerous chemicals are you washing down the drain. Some studies have shown that it takes at least 20 minutes for the chemicals to kill some of the bacteria.

What do we do anyway, rub it on our hands and immediately wash it down the drain, where the only bacteria it is killing is the good bacteria in our guts, when the water gets recycled and put back into our drinking water supply! What did our ancestors do to wash their hands; they had lye soap that they made from all natural ingredients. And they used plenty of clear water to clean up. I myself just wash with water for 2 choruses of “Happy Birthday to you.”

In a side note of interest, in the Living Without magazine a couple of years ago in an article on food allergies in children, when they were tested they found that the kids who had the most food allergies had the highest levels of Triclosan in their blood! Anytime you see “antibacterial” on any household product, beware of Triclosan.

Now, I realize that we have a lot more dangerous and potentially fatal germs than our ancestors did, but what does the hospital use to kill germs? Mostly alcohol as in the rubbing or 70% kind! Alcohol is much more earth friendly than toxic chemicals and it kills most germs on contact. My family and I buy the baby wipes from Costco in bulk and I put ¼ cup of alcohol into the bags when I open it. I store it in the car and when I come out of a store I wipe my hands with an alcohol wipe EVERY TIME I come back to my car. Don’t forget your steering wheel and all levers and buttons you touch in your car once in a while. 

Auto Immune diseases affect 24 million Americans with many names such as; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, MS, IBD or Colitis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, and psoriasis to name a few. There are more than 100 autoimmune diseases, and they can affect our bodies at almost every level. If you have Celiac you have an auto immune condition. Chances are that you either have or will have in the future another autoimmune condition on top of your celiac.

This book is really unique in that on page 24 she tells you the step by step actions to discover if you have an autoimmune disease and then if those tests come back positive she has charts that list the symptoms of each disease like lupus or Hashimotos. Then according to which disease you have the most symptoms of, you can then be tested for that specific disease. A much more cost effective and timely way to go about finding what is ailing you!

To make sure you have a healthy immune system, our bodies are dependent on a good relationship with the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract. Many of you remember a couple of months ago I talked about the Probiotic I take called Colon Care from Garden of Life, I have felt so much better since taking it. I have less allergy symptoms, more regularity, and better digestion even in my stomach. Dr. Tom says those with gluten intolerance should take a probiotic and also prebiotics every day.

We need to make sure we replenish the good bacteria in our gut that gets depleted from antibacterials in our water, to antibiotics in our meat and milk, to antibiotics we take for illness and the many chemicals we are exposed to in our world every day. Dr. Blum also has a Healing Your Gut Workbook in this book, along with lots of recipes and also what foods to eat and which ones not to eat.   With her protocol you can eat to heal and reset your immune system.

I highly recommend this book and really respect Dr. Blum when she says she wrote this book because there is only one of her and so many of us. She is giving us insider information for free, ( her secrets if you will) so we can be healed from our autoimmunity like she was.

 I also would like to give you a website to watch a revolutionary video that changed the way I look at food, and also makes me not feel quite so deprived when I can’t eat most foods. It is called “FAT, SICK, AND NEARLY DEAD”, the website is: rebootwithjoe.com/watch-fat-sick-and-nearly-dead.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 2015 Meeting Summary

So much information was shared at the February 17th meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support!  A big thank you to all who contributed their thoughts and suggestions.

Many new happenings in the gluten free world! The Girl Scouts organization now have GF Toffee Cookies. Pizza Hut is offering Udi's GF Pizza nationwide (2,400 Pizza Huts). Locally, in the Prescott Tri-City Area, it is not yet known if the local Pizza Hut is part of the roll out test market on the GF pizzas.  Breyer's ice cream will soon be non-GMO.  Organic produce has a bar code that starts with the number 9 (you can verify this at local grocers). Glutenator Beer was highly recommended as a great GF Beer...so everyone in the group that would like a good GF beer, go to Park Plaza or Lloyd's Liquors and ask them to carry it.

A lengthy discussion took place at the February 17th meeting on the possibility of the local GF support group becoming a branch of the national Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG). Individuals may join GIG at www.gluten.net for $28-35 annually (depending on age). There are currently no dues for members of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group. However, should a decision be made to become a branch of GIG, there are many benefits, especially because the local support group would be listed on their national web site as a GF support group. Even now, when Mayo Clinic diagnoses someone with Celiac, they recommend finding a local support group. Any comments on this possible opportunity with Gluten Intolerance Group of America can be sent to Renee at gfreerenee@juno.com.    

And a thank you to Bill H. for sharing the words of Hippocrates:"Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food"; "walking is man's best medicine"; and  "All Disease begins in the gut".  These words were said over 2,000 years ago!

The next meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Organization will be held at the Prescott Public Library, lower level Founder's Room "A", on tuesday, March 17th from 12 noon to 2PM.


Monday, January 26, 2015

January 2015 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support organization met for its' first meeting of 2015 on tuesday, January 20th.  The meeting was well-attended.  Many group members had attended the GF & AF Expo in Glendale, Arizona on January 17th.  Those that did attend the event were able to learn about many new GF products in the marketplace, taste samples and come away with a big bag of complimentary goodies.  And some vendors even sold their dry goods at a very reduced price.

At the expo this year there were several lectures and informative speakers scheduled throughout the day of the event.  One lecture that Renee R. attended was about "GF Belly Blasters". The speaker was a very dynamic woman from Canada named Kathy Smart. She was not only very educated but very entertaining. Check out her website www.livethesmartway.com. Kathy discussed the need to stop weighing yourself and to focus on eating to build muscle.  She also mentioned being wary of all the gluten free packaged/processed foods, because their nutritional value is not always in the best interest of the health of those who are on a gluten free diet. Kathy suggested focusing on what she refers to as "super foods" such as  kale & green veggies; chia or ground flax; coconut oil; fish oil; salmon; hemp seeds and protein.

One additional take away from Smart's lecture is that if you have had a medical diagnosis of Celiac that is concrete.  She was diagnosed when she was 12 years old. However, if you didn't have any tests done, did not have an informed physician and chose to go gluten free on your own and YOU FEEL BETTER, move on and don't worry that you did not have "tests performed on you".  As Dr. Tom O'Bryan often quotes: " You cannot be a little pregnant, and you cannot have just a little gluten". Once you know you feel better eliminating gluten from your diet; don't eat it!

It was really great to hear again from members about how their lives have been changed by going gluten free and  sharing the journeys of those that have been Celiac for over 20 years and those that have been recently diagnosed.

The next meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support organization will be held on Tuesday, February 17th from 12-2PM at Prescott Public Library's Founder's Room A on the lower level.