Monday, November 14, 2016

November 2016 Meeting Summary

Our November meeting was a terrific success at our new location...the Bradshaw Senior Community in Prescott.  We had a large turnout in the lovely Rose Room. Many thanks go to member Sharon Egan for securing this location.  We had product discussion including several Trader Joe Buttermilk Pancake MIx, Pumpkin Bread Mix and a new product called Vegan Egg.  Vegan Egg is a dry good/powder product that can be found at Sprouts and Natural Grocers and can be used in baked goods or to make scrambled eggs (but no egg is actually in the product).  I have been eating it  and using it in my baking because I can not eat eggs and I have to say...  I miss eggs terrible, but Vegan Egg is not bad.
Linda brought up an important subject that we have touched briefly on in previous meetings.  The subject is CARRAGEENAN.  There is disturbing information on this ingredient that is added to many "natural" foods and found in lots of packaged food items and dairy.  In the April 2016, The Cornucopia Institute it was written that carrageenan causes GI inflammation, higher risk of intestinal lesions, ulcerations  & malignant tumors.  It is considered an extremely reliable inflammation & carcinogen, even tho it is a seaweed source.  Linda & I encourage you to read up and investigate this on your own and you be the judge.  The following are very reliable websites:
The Dr. Axe website also discusses the ingredients found in pickles  called polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose that unfortunately have been shown to cause cancer in mice. can come to your own conclusions.
And finally, it was great to see many members of our group at the Gluten Free/Allergy Free Expo at the Renaissance Hotel in Glendale.  A few of you I only caught glimpses of from across the large room.  We all came home with lots & lots of samples and discovered many new products either coming out soon or in the pipeline.
Happy Thanksgiving from Renee & Linda
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

September 2016 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group met at Prescott Valley Public Library on tuesday, September 12th from 12-2PM. The representative from Enzymedica, who was scheduled to speak, was rescheduled for a later date, however the group in attendance had a good discussion and time of sharing. 

Please make note of Tammy Kastanas' fantastic series of GF/Dairy Free Fall baking seminars that are held at the Adult Center in Prescott at 1280 Rosser Street in the Meals on Wheels dining room: Wednesdays once a month from 2-4PM. 
The upcoming seminars are: 
10/19 Breads and Peanut Butter Cookies, 
11/16 Pumpkin Pie and Pumpkin Cupcakes, 
12/14 Brownie Bites and Red Velvet Cupcakes. 

Each class is $10 at the door.  Contact Tammy @ 928-710-5916.

Please note that The GLUTEN FREE ALLERGY FREE EXPO is being held in Glendale, Az, November 12th and 13th. For more info: GF Allergy Expo

Our Prescott area celiac and gluten free support group meeting in October meeting will NOT be held. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 8th at the usual time and location. The December meeting will be a social event held at Red Robin Restaurant at Gateway Mall.

DJ for RR

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 2016 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group had a full house at the August meeting. Our guest speaker was Breanne Murcek, Territory Sales Manager for VIBRANT AMERICA LAB. Vibrant America has cutting edge technology to test for Leaky Gut Syndrome.  Vibrant America uses microchip based technology to test for the following:
1. Vibrant Wheat Zoomer: a comprehensive wheat sensitivity panel, including tests for Gliadin, Wheat Allergy, Leaky Gut, Glutenin.
    Non-Gluten Wheat, Wheat Germ and Transglutaminase. ($199.00)
2.  Vibrant GUT-PAC: a microchip-based microbiome exploration service that allows them to look at the populations of bacteria residing in your gut. ($199.00)
3. Vibrant Celiac Genetic Test ($99.00) Ask if there is a price break if you have more than one test.

Realizing that all in our group have either Celiac or Gluten Intolerance, what makes this testing exciting is that many if not most of us are still suffering from symptoms that are unexplained. Right now only, Dr. Gemie McLeod and Dr. Rothrock are offering these tests to their patients.  HOWEVER.....with the help of Breanne, she has made arrangements for those that are interested in one or more of their tests to contact her and she will help set up a blood draw through People's Choice Lab in Prescott Valley.
Vibrant Wellness has Registered Dietitians who are experienced in Functional nutrition, Gut Microbiome health, Autoimmune Disease, Food allergies/sensitivities & intolerance.  The service of a Vibrant Wellness Dietitian is available to all patients with Vibrant America lab testing. 
The meeting was jam-packed with explanations and handouts by Bre of how inflammation affects every aspect of your health. It is impossible for me to put all we learned into this brief summary. Medications associated with Leaky Gut Syndrome are...NSAIDS, PPI's, HCL Blockers, antibiotics, to name a few. 

To schedule an appointment please email:
Renee and Linda

Monday, July 18, 2016

July 2016 Meeting Summary

Our recent meeting was held Tuesday July 12th.  As many of you know who have attended our actual meetings, we cover a lot of ground.  I try to summarize what was discussed, but it is not always possible to convey all the discussion.  However, I try my best. To those folks who shared and I didn't include, I apologize.  I must admit I have been experiencing some memory loss recently......
 Member Sue C. shared her gluten free experience traveling on the Viking River Cruise Line. She booked through Costco Travel and was very pleased with her dining experience on her Rhine River Cruise.  The dining staff accommodated all her gluten free needs...Sharon E. shared her newly received Bio-Tec Allergy results.  As many of us know, once we discover we CAN NOT eat gluten other food culprits will be discovered due to our leaky gut issues.  And then a lengthy discussion was facilitated by Linda about "Leaky Gut Syndrome".  She and I faithfully read the following web site and we think you will find it helpful too. Please check out:
Another web site many of you might find helpful is  We also touched on and hope to expand on at our August meeting the alkaline/acid issue of all our a bodies and how it relates to both of the above and GERD.
I met with the chef/cook (her name is June) of the newly opened Thai Cafe at Windsong & Florentine in Prescott Valley.  There are many options for gluten free dining and we are very hopeful that this restaurant is one we can frequent safely. Let me know if all went well, should you decide to try it.  YOU MUST SAY YOU EAT GLUTEN FREE FOR MEDICAL REASONS.  Unfortunately, I only found the chef and the busboy spoke English. (Disclaimer: dine at your own risk) Don't order anything fried or sweet & sour.
Also learned at the meeting....if you purchase $100.00 of supplements at Sprouts in one purchase transaction, you will get an additional 5-10 per cent off.  Be sure to ask.  One last thing....I will be sending some info on the Gluten Free Expo soon.....keep you posted.
Renee and Linda

Friday, June 24, 2016

June 2016 Meeting Summary

The June meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group was held on Tuesday, June 14thth from 12-2PM, at the Prescott Valley Public Library. 

We had a terrific meeting and our new room, the Glassford Hill, now has a screen to separate us from the main part of the library and hopefully we will have an actual door someday.  We had had several returning members that took advantage of our now year round meeting.  So, it gave us a chance to share our personal testimonials. By sharing our experience we can often learn from others symptoms and successes.
Renee shared a rare opportunity.  Having gone to a local dental specialist for  a specific issue, the subject of celiac and acid reflux came up.  To her surprise, this dentist recognized the correlation with her symptoms and the dental problem.....In fact, he asked her to speak at a dental conference he was conducting.  It was an enormous honor to speak to approx, 25 dentists from Prescott, Chino Valley and Prescott Valley area. Gleaning information from the Gluten Free & More Dec/Jan 2016 issue titled "Gluten and Your Teeth" she was able to relay the fact that celiac disease doesn't just affect the gut.  It can have widespread impact throughout your body, from your skin & joints to your mood & brain. Current research shows your teeth can also be affected, especially in children. Celiac expert Peter H. R. Green MD (director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University Medical Center) says "Adults are more likely to have extensive dental work with bonding, caps & crowns.  You don't always know what all that was for...Could it have been damage due to celiac disease?"
Our meetings are so successful because of the support of so many of our members.  Thank you to all.  It's difficult to relay all the great details and info shared at the monthly meetings.....we cover so much it, hope to see you next month!

Renee R

June 2016 Meeting Summary

The June meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group was held on Tuesday, June 14thth from 12-2PM, at the Prescott Valley Public Library. 

We had a terrific meeting and our new room, the Glassford Hill Room now has a screen to separate us from the main part of the library and hopefully we will have an actual door someday.  We had had several returning members that took advantage of our now year round meeting.  So, it gave us a chance to share our personal testimonials. By sharing our experience we can often learn from others symptoms and successes.
Renee shared a rare opportunity.  Having gone to a local dental specialist for  a specific issue, the subject of celiac and acid reflux came up.  To her surprise, this dentist recognized the correlation with her symptoms and the dental problem.....In fact, he asked her to speak at a dental conference he was conducting.  It was an enormous honor to speak to approx, 25 dentists from Prescott, Chino Valley and Prescott Valley area. Gleaning information from the Gluten Free & More Dec/Jan 2016 issue titled "Gluten and Your Teeth" she was able to relay the fact that celiac disease doesn't just affect the gut.  It can have widespread impact throughout your body, from your skin & joints to your mood & brain. Current research shows your teeth can also be affected, especially in children. Celiac expert Peter H. R. Green MD (director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University Medical Center) says "Adults are more likely to have extensive dental work with bonding, caps & crowns.  You don't always know what all that was for...Could it have been damage due to celiac disease?"
Our meetings are so successful because of the support of so many of our members.  Thank you to all.  It's difficult to relay all the great details and info shared at the monthly meetings.....we cover so much it, hope to see you next month!

Renee R

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 2016 Meeting Summary


The May meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group was held on Tuesday, May 10th from 12-2PM, at the Prescott Valley Public Library. 

We have been among this nationally recognized group for some time now and yet there are still those out there that think eating  gluten free is a "fad" or a "trend".  It is our responsibility to "kindly" remind our friends, family, co-workers and especially restaurant staff that eating gluten free is not a choice for us, but a true medical necessity!  Every time we ingest a small amount of gluten, we set our body back and it has too struggle to neutralize the enemy we ate.  You may call it getting "nuked" or glutenized, but either way it is critical to reduce this possibility.

Labeling of gluten-free food changed when Congress approved the new labeling law in August 2014.  Food companies can now claim they are gluten free by having 20ppm (parts per million) of gluten. For many, if not all that have Celiac or Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerance this is still too much gluten to ingest 3 times per day!!  At our May 10th meeting everyone received handouts of an interview with the FDA discussing whether they think the new gluten-free laws are working. Extra handouts are still available.

In keeping with this same train of thought, we discussed food companies that have dedicated gluten free facilities.  Their products will not be cross-contaminated with wheat products.  Bob's  Red Mill, Kinnickinnick, and Schaar are among a few.  If you are still having symptoms, perhaps you are eating products that have been cross-contaminated in the processing plant.  Too make matters even more complicated many of the small gluten free companies have been bought out by major mainstream corporations.  Info on that will be sent to you separately.

Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting June 14th.
Renee and Linda

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 2016 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group met at the Prescott Valley Public Library on tuesday, April 12th, from 12-2PM. The topic for April was "Gluten Lurking in Our Gluten Free foods".

The big name brand food industry has lobbied the FDA to allow 20ppm of gluten in our foods and still be labled GLUTEN FREE, because they wanted to cash in on the mulit-billion dollar a year gluten free food industry. They wanted to be able to manufacture our foods on shared equipment with wheat and gluten without investing the money to build a seperate dedicated gluten free facility.
The concern is that they are not at any time concerned with our health just with making money off of our medical inability to eat gluten.

Renee R. had forwarded an email from one of The Phoenix Celiac members.
In this email the writer explained how after eating products from Arrowhead Mills she had been suffering terribly with Dermatitis Herpetiformis, a form of Celiac. When she looked on the package of rice flour it said  they are certified gluten free and cannot contain more than 10ppm gluten!

Linda was shocked when she read that, as she had been using Arrowhead Mills rice flour exclusively for over a year, and was constantly sick with symptoms associated with getting glutened! Sure enough she looked on the bag and that is what it states.

So Linda called the company and found out that all of their products are manufactured in a faculity that manufactures wheat and other gluten containing grains and that the flour is manufacutred on the same lines at gluten!

The email writer also had a list of companies that are not dedicated GF facilities, so it got Linda thinking about the different gf foods in my pantry. After many phone calls it looks like at least one third of the gluten free foods that are in her home have are made on shared equipment with wheat and many have the ceritfied gluten free label!

Let's think of it this way.
If the GF product manufacturers also process wheat, they supposedly clean the lines before processing Gluten free foods.But,if they process 10 thousand bags of flour the ones at the front of the lines may have 10ppm or or more and the ones at the back of the production run may have 5ppm or none! So when you are buying that product made on shared equipment with gluten are you getting the one at the front with possible contamination, or the one at the last with no gluten?

Some of the gluten free products manufactured in a facility that also process gluten are:
Arrowhead Mills
Amy's foods
Natures Path
and many others.

Some of the safe dedicated gluten free manufacturers are:
Bob's Red Mill
Hodgson Mills
Kinnikinnick Foods
Freedom Foods
and others.

If you are in doubt, look online or call the company, if you have questions about your processed foods.

Also, the "Certified Gluten Free" label on the front of the package doesn't mean our foods are safe to eat.
The GFCO, Gluten Free Cetification Organization, allows manufacturers to process our foods on shared equipment with wheat, if they test out at 10ppm of gluten. But, do they recieve test samples of every batch of food these companies make, or just a sample of a particular batch of  food?

BEWARE the Gluten free label with out reading the ingredient list!
Linda C. purchased some Gourmet Jelly beans from Trader Joes that said, natural flavors, colors from fruit and vegatable sources. Linda C. looked on the back and saw GLUTEN FREE, so she purchased them and had a big handful when I got home. Within an hour she felt sick and was sick the next day also, realizing that the only new thing she had eaten was the jelly beans she read the ingredient list and it says, "Sugar, Glucose Syrup, (Corn Syrup, WHEAT SYRUP)" !!! The wheat syrup had an asterick behind it and she found the statement below the GLUTEN FREE words; Wheat syrup has been processed to allow this food to meet FDA requirements for a gluten free claim.  We can no longer trust that any one has our health and best interest at heart so, READ EVERY LABEL! And if in doubt don't eat it, call the company that made it.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 2016 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Organization met  on Tues. March 8th, 2016 from 12-2PM.

Dr. Gemie Kohler McCloud NMD, of Innate Wellness of Prescott, spoke to twenty six members of the  group at the Prescott Valley Public Library.

Her topic was "The Benefits of Food Allergy Testing As a Tool to Heal and Restore GI Function in Celiac and Those With Gluten Intolerances." Dr. Gemie did a great job explaining about the differences of wheat allergies, celiac, and gluten sensitivity/intolerances.  She presented some very informative slides with graphics on what damage to the gut looks like with each of these conditions. 
She also spoke about how finding out your food allergies/intolerances by simple blood testing and then how avoiding those foods, would help heal Leaky Gut and your immune system. 

It was a great presentation and the group was very grateful to Dr. Kohler McCloud for her care and concern and for taking valuable time out of her busy schedule for them. 

The next meeting of the PACGFS organization will be held on Tuesday, April 12th form 12-2PM at the Prescott Valley Public Library.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 2016 Meeting Update

The Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support organization met Tuesday, February 9th from 12-2PM at the Glassford Hill Room located on the first floor of the Prescott Valley Library.

The group covered a variety of topics, and also discussed the latest issue of Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer. Trader Joes carries many gluten free items. Special note was made of their knowledgable concern when referring to their Gluten Free Rolled Oats. Pick up a copy when you go to TJ's. .

Member Carrie mentioned that she still has GF Girl Scout Cookies @ $5.00 per box. 928-830-9702
Member Sharon E is very involved with the GMO Free Prescott organization and wanted all to know that Costco has committed to carrying GMO Free Salmon. Verify at the local Costco or at .

February is one of two times per year that the gluten free candy list is updated.  Check out
There is another valuable website for new nationwide GF restaurant updates and travel updates. Check out .

Lastly, don't forget to mark calendars for next month's meeting. March 8th the group will host Dr. Gemie Kohler as guest speaker. Dr. Kohler will have a one hour presentation on "The Benefits of Food Allergy Testing" as a tool to heal & restore GI Function. The meeting will be held in the Prescott Valley library auditorium on the first floor and will start promptly, because the library has another function immediately following the GF support group!


Monday, January 18, 2016

January 2016 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Organization met for another terrific meeting on tuesday, January 13th from 12-2PM in Prescott Valley at the public library. Sherri Cook, owner of Cork and Cuisine Restaurant in Prescott Valley, was the guest speaker. Sherri's restaurant is adjacent to Buffalo Wild Wings/Harkins Theater complex, off of Glassford Hill.

Sherri certainly had the group salivating for her menu! She understands the gluten dining challenges and she and her staff & chefs will do all that they can to avoid cross-contamination and still provide some gluten free menu options. Go to her website for more info. The owner's concept of rotating menus means you will never get bored and can go there often. The restaurant takes reservations. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday -Saturday. Soon they will be open for breakfast on Sunday. As with ANY and ALL gluten free restaurant dining dine at your own risk...and please be kind :-)

There was also a terrific presentation at the January meeting by long time group member Linda C. Linda is a wealth of information, statistics and knowledge of all the issues thhat Gf folks are required to deal with. Her discussion on inflammation and our immune system  was fantastic.  She recommends a book called the  "The Immune System Recovery Plan": A doctor's 4 -step plan to achieve optimal health and strengthen your immune system", by Susan Blum, M.D. ( Linda has 5 generations of Celiacs in her family! Another book that she has found very helpful is called "Conquering Arthritis" (wheelchair to walking) by Barbara Allan. Since many, if not all, disease is caused by inflammation, this book could be helpful to anyone.

Many of the group have started a protocol of gelatin/collagen. Linda and Renee R. and several others have been using a product called Great Lakes Gelatin.  A canister (red) at Natural Grocers can be purchased for $18.95.  However, the grocer at Sprouts has ordered a couple cases that are stored in the back of the store. (Ask for Jay.) Sprouts sells them for approx $17 each. Sprouts Corporate has not authorized the product to be put on the shelf, but Jay has ordered them for the group.

Costco now has the GF Ramen back in stock, aisle 321. Safeway carries GF bouillion HERB-OX and GF bbq sauces KINDERS.

All left the January meeting with renewed confidence about their GF Journey in 2016!