The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group had a record turnout at its November meeting and there was so much interesting information shared, I have a bit of "sensory overload".
Thank you so much to Linda Cook, Tammy Kastanas, and the 2 Brothers Crafting presentation. To those of you that brought new product packaging to share and to the many of you that donated to our "free will donation cash box", Linda & I say a big thanks!
Linda shared samples and info on 2 items. &
Why are Carlson Fish Oils Important: !. Cardiovascular health 2.Brain & Nerve Health 3. Vision health 4. Immune system health 5. Joint health 6. Skin health. Out of the many fish oil supplements Linda has tried herself, Carlson Fish Oils are the one & only that have not upset her gut by either fish odor or stomach issues. Due to space I have not gone into details on all the above points. Please go to their web site. I will say however, Linda was able to obtain their top of the line fish oil supplement samples for those at the meeting. Thanks so very much.
She also has been searching for oats that she and the rest of us could eat without "allergic" type repercussion. Sensitivity to oats can manifest as a result of allergy to oat seed storage proteins either inhaled or ingested. AVENIN, the glutenous protein in oats is similar to the gluten found in wheat, therefore you may not have been able to eat oats too. Please check out the Montana Gluten Free website. It is so informative on their oat selection process and sample pack are available on their website.
Long time member Tammy Kastanas of "That's It !, catering and baking company was at the meeting promoting new cookbook. "That's It ! Gluten-Free Dairy-Free High Altitude Baking" Approx $16.00. She will have them for sale at The Honeyman store in Prescott or contact her at
The craft presentation was delightful. Young David and Isaiah sold chapstick, lavender calming bags, brown sugar lip scrubs, bubble makers and terrific doggy paw balms, and many other cute items. For information contact:
And lastly, I will be forwarding a followup email from the Canadian Celiac Association. We have a member in our group from Canada and Brenda has just informed us that General Mills in Canada will no longer have a gluten free label on their cereals. And you all know why. Hopefully, the USA will follow suit.
Our next meeting will be a Christmas party on December 12th. More info to follow at a later date.
Renee & Linda