Thursday, July 11, 2019

June 2019 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group had a terrific meeting last week with speaker Dr Karissa Walton, N.M.D.  Naturopathic Physician with INNATE Wellness & Medical Center, 820 Ainsworth Dr., Prescott 928-776-1600
Dr Karissa specializes in treating chronic pain and neurological issues. Of course, she can treat any one of us with all our gluten and food issues.  As she states.. statistically 1 out of 130 have celiac, 1 out of 60 have gluten sensitivity and 1 out of 7 have wheat disorders. And, sadly many of the population do not know "what's ailing them".  She spoke quite a bit about "gluten ataxia" and in fact there have actually been diagnosed Parkinson's patients that really have gluten ataxia. Ataxia symptoms may vary but can include: trouble using fingers, hands, arms and/or legs..trouble speaking...trouble moving eyes...poor coordination and/or balance...tingling in extremities...gait problems...and damage to the cerebellum (the part of the brain that controls coordination.
It would be impossible for me to summarize the extent of her knowledge imparted to us that day.  Subjects that were covered  were  thyroid, thyroid, thyroid. Oh, my gosh so much info.  Intestinal Permeability/Leaky Gut Syndrome and the issues with absorption, which becomes the problem because inflammation prohibits the absorption.
Many of us have heard these subjects discussed before.  However, having a physician explain in more detail was invaluable (and a bit overwhelming)
Dr. Karissa is new to the area & Dr. Gemmie's office and is offering  new patient/new doctor pricing.  Most, if not all, naturopathic practices are "cash pay". I encourage you to call ASAP if you are interested in booking an appointment.  Tell Savannah/front office that you are with the Celiac Group and that you were told there was a new patient/new doctor price.  My appointment is on Thursday and I am so looking forward to talking to Dr. Karissa one on one.

(Please read and be aware of the bottom of this page, where our disclaimer is available.  Thank you.  Also, if you no longer wish to receive our groups emails and periodic Gluten Free Watchdog updates, please email me back and I will remove your name immediately.)
Thank you everyone that is interested in our journey to good health.
Renee & Linda

May 2019 Meeting Summary

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support group had a great turnout for the May meeting and welcomed two new members to the group.  Linda and I are always thrilled when a person gets diagnosed with celiac and then starts doing a google search and finds our support group.  Of course, it would be more ideal if the local doctors would give them our card or tell them there is an easier way to find us, but such as it is...
So, we covered a lot of ground and many stayed even after the meeting time to continue the conversations and to network.  One subject that was talked about at length was TOP 5 REASONS CHEAT DAYS ARE A NO-NO.  This was a great segway into Linda's in depth talk on continued gut damage. She will summarize her talk by email directly to all of you.  Suffice it to say, it is very important that gluten/wheat/barley/rye should not be ingested at any time voluntarily. If by accident you eat the above, we highly recommend consuming a gluten enzyme ( She & I use Enzymedica products). Any time Linda & I eat outside the home we take enzyme before, during and sometimes after we have eaten.  Again, as always, you choose to do this at your own discretion.
But getting back to the top 5 reasons.
1. You won't feel well.  2. You set off inflammation throughout the body. 3. You prolong gut recovery. 4 You will lose support (friends and family are less likely to support you if they see you cheating. 5. You could develop cancer.  Okay, this last item, per Gluten-Free Living magazine states that according to a 2013 study conducted at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, noncompliant celiac sufferers (cheaters) with unhealed small intestines have a higher risk of developing lymphoma (a type of blood cancer). This is according to Dr. Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, MS.
Member Sharon shared a incredible article in the Discover Magazine that determined that Celiac Disease can be traced back to suffering in Holland during WWII (1944-45) by a Dutch pediatrician, Willem-Karel Dicke.  I found this so fascinating, I will make copies available for the next meeting, so any of you can give a copy to your own doctor and yourself.
Thank you to many that donated to the "Free Will Donation" box.  Those monies are used for photocopies, business cards ( which are available to members) name tags, and misc.  This is a completely "pay it forward" by myself and Linda, with no dues or membership fees, so your donations are very appreciated.
On a lighter note.... I was at the Safeway in Prescott on Willow Lake Road/Miller Valley Rd and saw a huge collection of gluten free pizza!  Many I have not seen at Sprouts and with a price point of less than $10.00.  Spinato's of Tempe Arizona, Pizza Oggi, Sonoma Flatbreads, Open Nature, Mikey's and Freschetta to name a few.  We would love to hear from you out there, which Pizza's you think may be worth buying, including cauliflowers crusts, as well.
As far as restaurants, we are getting closer to organizing a list that is worthwhile.  Still, my favorite in Prescott is Farm Provisions (reuben sandwich to die for). I recently ate at Diablo Burger in Flagstaff ( and my burger was on an artisan GF english muffins was delicious.  Fries are gluten free too.
Too much info this time to continue on, so til next time....
Renee and Linda