The Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group had a terrific meeting In November. I am sure I can speak for all that were there, that we thoroughly enjoyed having member Britt Flores speak! In addition to being a fantastic dessert baker and local journalist, she had the courage to share with us her near death experiences and then only to find out she had Celiac Disease! Please watch for her monthly column in the Prescott Courier (it may be twice a month, I'm not sure)
We also had a very lengthy discussion on "gut health" and the wonders of celery juice. Britt gave us a great web-site for you to check out .........
Anthony William is the author who has written several books on gut health and according to google has helped tens of thousands of people heal from many ailments misdiagnosed. PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER AT THE BOTTOM OF PAGE.
The above led into an in depth discussion on SIBO Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth. According to our favorite local gastroenterolgist, SIBO goes "hand in hand" with Celiac Disease. For folks that continue to have gut problems this is perhaps a test they should have done. It is a breath test done with a special type of meter. There is a term known as "Refractory Sprue" .. the definition being stubborn/ unmanageable or unresponsive to 6 months of a strict gluten free diet. As of this meeting date, we have at least 3 members of our group that have been diagnosed with SIBO.
There will be NO TUESDAY MEETING IN DECEMBER. If you come to the meeting in January, I will tell you the story of a North Carolina man that has a condition that brews alcohol in his own gut. He drinks no alcohol whatsoever !!
There are 3 more seats left for our Christmas luncheon on Wednesday, December 11th. Please let me know. Twenty is the maximum I can reserve for our group.
Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving!
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.