Sunday, June 16, 2013

May 2013 Meeting Summary

The PACGF support group held its' May 2013 meeting at Prescott Public Libary on May 16th at 12:30PM.

The May meeting was attended by approximately 15 and was hosted by Renee R. New group participants were welcomed and each person attending shared about themselves and about their health journey and what had brought them to a diagnosis of celiac or gluten sensitive. Many in the group mentioned being helped immensely by knowlege and information shared at the meeting and at prior meetings. Brenda A., who is leaving for the summer months, mentioned the importance of finding a good quality nutritional consultant, especially for those who were newly-diagnosed.

Informational handouts were shared with the group by Renee, and Glenda reviewed her experience with Bob and Ruth's gluten free travel service and her recent trip to New Orleans.

The Founders Room at Prescott Public Library is the usual meeting location on the third tuesday of each month. During the summer months of June and July, the group will not be holding its' regular meeting at the library. There was some discussion about some folks interested in car pooling for a road trip to Sedona and to Pizza Picasso restaurant in Sedona, which has many gluten free options. This would take place on June 18th. All interested in participating in the trip to the restaurant should contact Renee at

The Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free support group will be returning to Prescott Public Library for its' monthly meeting on August 20th, at 12:30PM. For further information on meetings, contact

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