Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 2020 Group Update

These are certainly trying times for all of us in the Celiac and Gluten Free community.  There will be no meeting in April, and we were unable to meet in February due to a snowstorm, and in March we were unable to meet as well.  Our meeting location place is now not open to the public for any meetings whatsoever, due to Covid-19. Will get back to you at a later date to give you a May update.  We always have our meetings on the second Tuesday of the month. If the Bradshaw's Rose Room is available we will meet again on May 12th.  Will let you know by end of April.

Please, please take extra precautions. Our hospital is not adequately set up to feed gluten free and Celiac patients. You must be ever so prudent to not get sick.  I think it kind of goes hand and hand with us that we all might be referred to as "germaphobes". This is not a bad thing.

In keeping with this thought, I am going to forward to you information on a cleaning cloth product that member Nicole Franetovich is selling.  It is called NORWEX.  You all know I have refrained from promoting any personal businesses to this group for the last 10 years, but I am making an exception this once.  The product is infused with micro silver particles that has been proven to be anti-bacterial.  The cloths can even be used to kill the bacteria left by raw chicken or meat  juice on your counter or sink. Silver, in general, is even used in hospitals to help heal and prevent bacteria from spreading.  If you have any questions please call Nicole Franetovich at 928-910-2512.  I am  going to send you a link to her Facebook page called Clean Living with Nicole. Be sure to tell her you are with the Celiac group, as she of course does not know all of you.

I am also going to send you a link to our new Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support FACEBOOK page.  It will come to under a separate email. Here I post info from the Gluten Free Watchdog group and other GF info.