Friday, March 24, 2017

March 2017 Meeting Summary

For our March Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support group meeting we shared some of the books the group has been reading pertaining to our GF lifestyle.

Some of the books mentioned were:

Digestive Wellness                                       by Elizabeth Lipski
Eat Dirt                                                         by Dr. Josh Axe
Gluten Free Edge                                        by Peter Bronski
The New Glucose Revolution                      by Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller
Brain Food                                                  by Dr David Perlmutter

--and some funny ones-
                                                            In Memory of Bread, a Memoir                  by Paul Graham
                                                            Gluten is my Bitch                                     by April Peveteaux

We were also sent some generous samples of pancake mix and travel packets of flax from Hodgson Mill along with several brochures about eating GF and some recipes, and some $1.00 Coupons from Jackson's Honest, potato chips cooked in a dedicated gluten free facility and with coconut oil.

Also GF Harvest sent some samples of their breakfast GoPack oats, and some cups of instant Canyon oats flavored breakfast oats. GF Harvest is a purity protocol oats company, whose oats test well below 10ppm.
We learned from GF Harvest how samples of non purity protocol oats are averaged and some of the oat samples that are used in supposedly gf oats are well above the 20ppm allowed by the FDA. Some of the samples can
be at 92ppm and up. You can see a sample of the testing and averaging of samples on the GF Harvest website.
Also some of the dishonest oat companies are buying oats from GF Harvest and when an inspector comes to sample oats the company leads them to the ones purchased from GF Harvest because their oats will always test at 10ppm! One of the founders of GF Harvest oats said that UDI's uses their purity Protocol oats in their granola.

Overall it was a very informative meeting.
Linda and Renee