Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 2014 Meeting Summary

Linda Cook spoke to the Prescott Celiac Support Group about food allergy testing on Tuesday, March 18th. The meeting time was 12:00 noon in Prescott Public Library Founder's room "A". Following Linda's presentation, Brenda Andrews shared information about how to find a good nutritionist. 

Linda also mentioned kudos for Renee Richey, who has been spending alot of her time and efforts spear heading (along with Linda) the gluten free support group, locating speakers, reserving rooms, and keeping all the communications current in regard to updates in the gluten free arena, new products in the marketplace, etc. This is quite an accomplishment and task, especially considering the relatively short amount of time that Renee has been gluten free.

Linda talked about her own food allergy journey, which began about 10 years ago, with her diagnosis of celiac disease. Linda noticed that after initially feeling better off of gluten, she later began to notice that she was not feeling as well as she had at first. She determined, with an elimination diet ("Whole Life Nutrition Diet" book), that she had now developed additional food sensitivities. And armed with new knowlege, and after what initially seemed to be a daunting task, Linda made "lemonade out of lemons" and learned how to prepare meals and cook differently. But she now had to factor in other food allergies as a challenge, besides her initial issue with gluten intolerance.

Linda reviewed several allergy testing techniques: skin testing /RAST, ALCAT blood test, muscle testing (kinesiology), and the ELISA test. On most of these tests, 95% of food allergies do not show up, and even with the ELISA test, many labs do not know how to interpret the results of the inflammation shown from the anti bodies. Linda mentioned several products that she uses, including some that help to combat the histamine response that she experiences when she has an allergic reaction to a food. 

Linda also mentioned four "cross reactive" foods, which include corn, dairy, legumes, peanuts, soy, and coffee, as well as lectins.

Brenda discussed that when seeking out a good nutritionist, be sure that the person is well-informed about celiac and gluten sensitivities. She also discussed how important it is to de-contaminate your environment and not allow any wheat or gluten crumbs, or particles near where you are eating or cooking. Brenda also mentioned that it is important to have a good digestive enzyme on hand.

Thank you, Linda and Brenda for taking your time to share with the group today!

The next meeting of the Prescott Area Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group will be April 15th at 12:30PM in the Prescott Public Library's Founders Rooom "A" on the lower level.


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