Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 2017 Meeting Summary

We had a fantastic meeting on January 10th at our new meeting location in the Rose Room at 
                                                    The Bradshaws Senior Community
                                                    133 Bradshaw Drive in Prescott 
            The meetings are always held on the second tuesday of each month from 12-2PM.

We had a great discussion on prebiotics and probiotics and how most, if not all of us have leaky gut syndrome or "gut permeability" even if our doctors haven't address this issue.  Sauerkraut is an anti-inflammatory food and packed with benefits. Besides having probiotics to offer, sauerkraut is a good source of antioxidants and dietary fiber too, thanks to its main ingredient cabbage. A great website on sauerkraut/cabbage can be found at  discussing how this fermented food can restore gut flora.  Right now at Costco you can find the WILDBRINE brand of raw organic sauerkraut for $7.99 a 50 ounce jar.  It is located near the sausages in the refrigerated section.  It is also sold at Sprouts in a much smaller jar for approx $5.00.  Start out with a tablespoon or two a day, if you haven't had sauerkraut in a while.
AND......For those of you that have been waiting for a reasonable price on Celiac DNA Testing ..... it is now available for only $99.00 Vibrant Wellness located in San Carlos, California . The representative that is working with our group is Breanne Murcek. If you are interested.... text or call her at 402-968-1200.  The test is done by cheek swab, so the lab will send the swabs directly to you.
I mention the above, because I became gluten free after over 10 years of sickness undiagnosed by any doctor in this town.  It was only after going to my chiropractor that I even remotely considered gluten as the culprit.  I am going to do DNA test.
All information presented or discussed by the Prescott Area Celiac & Gluten Free Support Group members at its meetings, on its blog, or sent by email is for informational & educational purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Persons with any health issues should consult a qualified, licensed medical professional for diagnosis & treatment.

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